Thursday 9 April 2015

Protection - TTPS

photo 1: showing St. James police station at night. One can see a response vehicle on site in case there is any need for police action or patrols. 

One can frequently see the Trinidad and Tobago  presence in St. James especially on the Western Main Road. They sometimes help enforce traffic regulations such as the safe zone for Mucorapo Girls R.C. school. Although it may seem like there is a nationwide sense of no confidence in the Police Service the St. James police station had been called to action more than a couple of times. Serious incidents such as the bombing outside Smokey and Bunty in 2005 have been quelled by this service. Formal social control is a characteristic of an urban community and is exhibited by the police service.

As urbanisation and therefore population increases, so too does the amount of crime. The Trinidad and Tobago Government has recently funded a pilot program, Community Comfort Patrol (CCP) in order to assist police and increase the level of security in communities such as St.James. Having a growing population requires an increased need for protection and peace of mind.
Defence/security is a function of an urban area.

photo 2: showing the residence of the Commissioner of Police near  the entrance of the Police Barracks (training academy) on the Western Main Road.
source: trinioutdoors

One can see that even here, there is a need for walls and fencing - the first line of security. Crime is a serious issue affecting not only St. James but the entire country. Walls and fences are extremely common if not always present around every house and building in this country. They not only serve the purpose of security but also the purpose of voluntary exclusion and individualism - which are also characteristics urban communities.


Joseph, Fancis. 2005. '12 Injured In St James Blast'. Newsday.,30847.html.

Kowlessar, Geisha. 2015. '$4.5M More For Comfort Patrol'. Guardian.

Myers, Samuel L. "Crime in urban areas: New evidence and results." Journal of Urban Economics 11, no. 2 (1982): 148-158.

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