Thursday 9 April 2015

Festivities and culture

photo 1: showing masqueraders entering St. James under the iconic sign on Carnival Tuesday, 2015

photo 2: showing a preview of the activity that occurs during Trinidad and Tobago Carnival in the YUMA mas band. They seem to be enjoying themselves quite a lot. 

Although it is centred around entertainment, this celebration has been becoming increasingly economic in nature. To partake in an actual mas band, members pay thousands of dollars but this does not seem to deter the thousands of masqueraders, spectators and tourists that indulge its the famous festivities. Some even call it the greatest show on earth.

photo 3: showing the Muslim celebration, Hosay that takes place every year in St. James.  

photo 4: showing the Hindu festival, Divali, the Festival of Light which as has been revamped in St. James by the Singh's family on Ethel Street several years ago. 

In this photo one can also see the dormitory and security (gates and walls) funtions of this residential zone. A residential zone is one of the functional zone within a city.

Socio-cultural heterogeneity is a very defining characteristic of urban communities. These images are meant to capture the various aspects of: religion, tradition, history, ethnic diversity and an overall cultural diversity that are expressed in these festivals. These festivals are an expression of the culture not only present in urban areas like St. James but also in many parts of Trinidad and Tobago. Festivals are a notable part of most urban cultural landscapes, providing opportunities for community and audience engagement at a scale and scope unique among cultural events. 


Carroli, Linda. 2010. 'Culture & Urban Strategy: A Case Study Of A Major Festival', 1.

Lyndersay, Mark. 2013. 'A Very Personal Light'. Guardian.,. 2015. '20 Important Characteristics Of Urban Community | Sociology'.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Love the pictures and how different festivals were represented
